Heartbeat sensor projects

Below is the list of Heartbeat sensor projects from Microtronics Technologies. These projects are implemented using a heart rate sensor. These heartbeat sensor based projects can be used by engineering students as a part of their curricular activity and learning.

Heartbeat Sensor Based Electronics Projects For Engineering Students

Heartbeat sensor projects videos playlist on YouTube.

These videos give a demonstration of the heartbeat sensor projects.

The heartbeat plays a very important role in the human body. Heartbeat rate indicates the physical state or health level of a person. Health parameters of a person include body temperature, heart beat rate, blood pressure level, and a few other important factors. This makes it very important to measure the heartrate of a patient. The heartbeat sensor projects for electronics engineering contribute their own share to these medical electronics projects.

All of the above projects are Heartbeat sensor based projects for Electronics engineering students. The above-mentioned heart rate measuring final year submission projects are for Engineering students.

A heartbeat sensor works on the principle of a light sensor. The blood in the human body pumps with every heartbeat. The heartbeat sensor placed on the finger has 2 parts, one is a light-emitting diode and another is a light-dependent resistor. This LED acts as a transmitter and LDR acts as a receiver part of the sensor. The light passing through the human finger deviates with each heartbeat. These deviations are caught by the sensor and are recorded by a microcontroller. With each heartbeat, the sensor gives one pulse at the output. The LDR part of the heartbeat sensor should be kept touching the human skin, the sensor is generally kept on the finger.
